Nick Burns

 Hometown: Denver, Colorado



Nick Burns has been a lifelong competitive dirt biker and snowmobiler, starting his snowbiking journey in 2015. His passion lies in sharing the freedom snowbiking offers with as many people as possible. Nick enjoys chatting with new riders about how to improve their equipment or riding skills and loves meeting up with seasoned pros or young hotshots to see who can “make the line” others won’t even attempt.

During the 2024 season, Nick made climbs and jumps that wouldn’t have been possible without a MTN.TOP kit.  The kit you ride truly does matter that much - it’s not something you can compensate for by choosing a better line, getting a better run, being lighter or having a few more horsepower.

To him, snowbiking is both a relaxed social activity and a serious sport, demanding top-notch equipment and physical fitness. Over the years, he has relied on the knowledge and product availability of his dealer, RMS.  He has spent a lot of time in the backcountry with Mtn.Top and RMS.  These rides are the ultimate test and show that MTN.TOP is the industry leader, and their kit far superior to anything else on the market.  Nick is confident they will continue to innovate and amaze us all.