Reagen Seig
Title: MTN.TOP Factory Representative and Pro Athlete
Hometown: Vernon, BC Canada
For over 10 years I have dedicated a huge portion of my life to helping pioneer the sport of snowbiking utilizing my unique skill set on a motorcycle and epic location. In 2012 I decided to buy my first snowbike and also seek out the Owner/Inventor of Timbersled, Allen Mangum, so that I could push the industry forward. After climbing Jackson Hole with Allen we shook hands and made a plan to work together. The journey has been so wild and it has enabled me to wear many hats in my time with the company: an athlete, a garage dealer, a sales representative for British Columbia, the list goes on and on all the while staying focused on riding and advancing my craft.
I am excited to open a new chapter in my life as both an Athlete and as a Factory Representative with MTN.TOP Snowbikes! We have a lot of new things to showcase along with some old standards like working with Allen Mangum and a solid team of dedicated individuals, dealers, and riders. Our mission is to grow the sport of snowbiking through our passion and innovation. We have come a long way in the last decade and the next decade will be even more exciting. I can’t wait to show everyone where the team at MTN.TOP Snowbikes will take us!